This post in a work in progress. Here I collect all data and findings on Asturias.
I’ve had a quick whiteboard session on Asturias to get me started on getting familiar with the situation. I need to understand what I am facing in my search to finding and implementing ideas to local challenges.

So in summary:
- Demographics:
- 1.02 million inhabitants
- GDP per person €22k (national average €25k)
- unemployment 13%
- minimal wage €12.6k
- average wage €18.7k
- Climate
- annual rain 950mm
- average sea temperature: 12 degrees celsius
- Politics
- pending. Currently no idea what is going on…
- Energy (data pending)
- fossil
- coal
- gas
- oil
- renewable
- hydro
- wind
- sun
- tides
- bio
- fossil
- Industries
- Mining
- Metal production
- Finance
- Logistics
- Agriculture
- Dairy
- Meat
- Crops
- Food processing
- Knowledge & innovation
- University of Oviedo

- Logistically Asturias seems quite promising. With a seaport connected to UK and France, an airport with regular flights to Madrid, Barcelona and Portugal. And a proper highway running the whole northern coast from Irun / Bayonne border to Coruña and Santaigo de Compostela. But it depends on where you need to go. For me to visit my family in the Netherlands, there is no quick and cheap way to get there quickly.
- What such a mining history, aren’t there any smart ways to re-purpose old mines?